Cloud Routed is a single solution for Content Distribution Services, ITPV Solutions for OTT delivery for Cable Operators and Companies a like, Load Balancing Solutions, and other services that require heavy internet infrastructure support. Our Global Network allows us to offer some of the best possible solutions for all of your web needs, with special focus on IPTV delivery and OTT solutions.

Cloud Routed Web Services

Cloud Routed Web Services

Cloud Routed Modules work with Apache, NGINX, and Tomcat. These modules connect directly to our Cloud Routed Service and provide the feedback needed to understand how to switch, load balance and/or fail-over the machines to the next least loaded or available system. Combined with our Load Balanced GEO DNS service you can route client connections to the closest GEO location.


Cloud Routed Media Services

Cloud Routed Media Server Services

Load balancing and fail-over your Media servers has never been easier. We currently tie into Flussonic, Wowza, and Nimble Streamer. Using our unique modules that collect each of your server client connection counts you can balance your Media Server on our Cloud Routed Platform on a local network and/or over Geo Graphic boundaries on a Global Basis when using our GEO DNS Load Balancing in conjunction with our Media Server Modules.

Eliminate the need for the typical Switch, Load Balancer, Origin, Edge configurations and get Cloud Routed today!

Cloud Routed GEO DNS Services

Cloud Routed GEO DNS Services

The Cloud Routed GEO DNS Service is the backbone of our systems. Our GEO Load Balanced DNS service spans across 23 nodes across the world. Using a proprietary algorithm that defines the client connection to our DNS Servers we are able to take and crunch this data and route the client connection to the nearest DNS Node thus speeding up the delivery response time in half.

The Cloud Routed GEO DNS service is one of the first to use this proprietary algorithm in the market and is patent pending.

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Application Load Balancing Services

Application Load Balancing

Get your head out of the Clouds and your Applications in it!

Cloud Routed is please to introduce the most complex yet simple to use Application Load Balancing and Fail-Over system on the internet. As most of you know building an application for the web can be a daunting task in and about itself, don’t let being able to serve these Applications be that same daunting task.

The Cloud Routed Service can ease the pains of trying to figure out how to serve your application, load balance it and fail it over in case of a catastrophe that could cost you thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars.

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